Friday, December 5, 2008

Worship for Sunday

Sunday is the Second Sunday of Advent. Our scripture this week includes Mark 1.1-8: The beginning of the gospel with John in the river baptizing and preparing the people for the Coming Greater One; Isaiah 40.3-4, 9: a prophecy on preparing the way of the Lord; and Psalm 85: Hear what the Lord will speak. The theme is prepare for God's act of Wisdom in Jesus Christ. We spend vast amounts of money preparing for December 25, so much so, that at times we have not prepared our hearts for what the coming of Jesus means. His presence means steadfast love, faithfulness, righteousness and peace (see the psalm). Communion will be served at the 10.45 am service. Lauren King will be a guest soloist for both services. The rest of the music may be found at; see the link on this page.

Prayer of the Day:
Almighty and Most High God, you have sent your Wisdom to the world in Jesus Christ, the Incarnate Son. Grant us, through the Holy Spirit, to prepare our hearts to receive his wisdom so that we would follow the ways of his Kingdom. All honor and glory are yours Almighty God: Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Amen.

Other prayer concerns include: the many fellowship activities of the week, the Women's Tea on Saturday, The Church in Senegal, Gambia, Cape Verde, Guinea, Weekly Mission focus: Asbury Center, Weekly Ministry focus: UMW and the Choir Cantata and Hand Bells playing next Sunday.

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