Tuesday, October 28, 2008

From the Council of Bishops, UMC

A Statement issued by Bishop Gregory V. Palmer, President of the Council:

Public discourse, especially in this season of presidential elections, has often deteriorated into acrimonious, disrespectful and divisive rhetoric. Such speech, in the interest of short-term political gain, will make it more difficult for the nation to unite to work together on the great challenges that face the United States and the world today.

As bishops, we can call on people of faith to raise their voices to challenge all political parties and leaders to embrace a public discourse that is free of divisive and demeaning rhetoric. Respectful, principled, and vigorous debate on the issues which demand attention is the only way to move into a future that offers hope and solutions to our common problems.

Let us urge all the presidential candidates, vice presidential candidates and campaigns to focus on the critical challenges that threaten the future of our nation and the world: poverty, war, racism, inequality of opportunity, the current financial crises, and terrorism in all its forms.

It is my fervent prayer that whoever is elected the next President of the United States will receive respect and loyalty from all and will, through positive words and deeds that transcend party and perspective, help lead our nation and world into a more hopeful future.

Finally, I urge you to invite United Methodists and all people of faith to:

· Daily intercessory prayer for all candidates, voters and leaders in the U.S.

· Urge local religious leaders and groups to develop and circulate similar calls similar to this in their communities,

· Circulate this message as widely as possible to local, state and national leaders and candidates in the U.S.,

· Urge the presidential and vice presidential candidates and their campaigns to commit themselves to conduct their debates, their advertisements and all their public speech in ways that honor the principles of fairness and accuracy.

1 comment:

Lorenzo said...

Lorenzo says, if the founding fathers of our country had been as docile in their rhetoric against the British as Bishop Palmer suggests the Presidential candidates should be to one another today, we might all still be Anglicans.